.. _points: ====== points ====== .. autofunction:: k3d.factory.points -------- Examples -------- Basic ^^^^^ .. code-block:: python3 import k3d import numpy as np x = np.random.randn(1000,3).astype(np.float32) plt_points = k3d.points(positions=x, point_size=0.2, shader='3d', color=0x3f6bc5) plot = k3d.plot() plot += plt_points plot.display() .. k3d_plot :: :filename: plots/factory/points_basic_plot.py Colormap ^^^^^^^^ .. attention:: `color_map` must be used along with `attribute` and `color_range` in order to work correctly. .. code-block:: python3 import k3d import numpy as np from k3d.colormaps import matplotlib_color_maps x = np.random.randn(10000, 3).astype(np.float32) f = (np.sum(x ** 3 - .1 * x ** 2, axis=1)) plt_points = k3d.points(positions=x, point_size=0.1, shader='flat', opacity=0.7, color_map=matplotlib_color_maps.Coolwarm, attribute=f, color_range=[-2, 1]) plot = k3d.plot() plot += plt_points plot.display() .. k3d_plot :: :filename: plots/factory/points_colormap_plot.py