
Installing from PyPi#

K3D-jupyter releases are available as wheel packages for macOS, Windows and Linux on PyPi.

pip install k3d

When using the package within Jupyter Notebook, install and enable the k3d extension.

jupyter nbextension install --py --user k3d
jupyter nbextension enable --py --user k3d

When upgrading from an earlier version, use the following commands.

pip install -U k3d

jupyter nbextension install --py --user k3d
jupyter nbextension enable --py --user k3d

Installing with Conda#

k3d is available via the conda-forge community channel.

conda install -c conda-forge k3d

Installing from GitHub#

You can install directly from the repository:


Requires git, Node.js and npm.

pip install git+

You can also install the most up-to-date development version:

pip install git+

If you want to install any historical version, replace devel with any tag or commit hash.

Installing from source#

For a development installation:


Requires git, Node.js and npm.

git clone
cd K3D-jupyter
pip install -e .

Then, if required, JupyterLab installation:

jupyter labextension install ./js

JupyterLab extension#

If required, you can install the JupyterLab extension:


Do not run this within K3D-jupyter directory.

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter labextension install k3d


Please notice that support for JupyterLab is still experimental.